Out of school hours care (OSHC)
Our Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) service is operated by our school’s governing council. It’s available for children aged 4 to 13 before and/or after school, on student free days and during school holidays. Our service follows the National Quality Framework (NQF) standard and is responsive to each child’s needs.
At OSHC, children interact with friends, learn life skills, solve problems and try new things. They do activities like:
- arts, crafts and cooking
- outdoor games and gardening
- excursions (for vacation care).
Children are given breakfast at before school care and a snack at after school care.
We are licenced for 158 children and young people.
Casual bookings are available.
Please be aware – Teachers and school staff are instructed to send children to OSHC who are found on school grounds outside of school hours – this includes all students who arrive at school before 8:15am or are not picked up by 3:20pm and parents will be responsible for paying these fees.
OSHC staff have access to the school’s emergency records in order to call parents of children who are not formally enrolled in OSHC.
OSHC documents
OSHC enrolment form (DOCX 24KB)
Family Handbook 2024 (DOCX 3MB)
Mission Statement (DOCX 615KB)
OSHC / Children's Centre Philosophy (PDF 2MB)
Artist, Akaysha Hill Painting Story (PDF 389KB)
Our latest Newsletter (PDF 6MB)
How to book/cancellation policy
All casual bookings must be made via text message to 0401 121 318.
Your booking text message must include:
- your child’s name
- booking date and time.
All permanent bookings must be made via the OSHC booking form and emailed to MawsonLakes.OSHC@schools.sa.edu.au.
All vacation care bookings must be made via the vacation care booking form and emailed to MawsonLakes.OSHC@schools.sa.edu.au.
Cancellation Information – Please refer to our ‘Cancellations Policy’.
Fees, Hours and Payment
Before School Care: 6:45am – 8:30am – $18.50
After School Care: 3:00pm – 6:00pm – $24.00
Early Finish (end of each term): 2:00pm – 6:00pm – $26.00
Pupil Free Days / Vacation Care: 7:00am – 6:00pm – $62.50
Prices quoted are for full fees, before Child Care Subsidy are taken into account.
Banking Details: (for online payment of fees)
Bank: ANZ
BSB: 015-142
A/C Number: 489892576
Reference: Your child’s last name and first initial
Policy- Financial Management- Aug 2021
Vacation Care - Program and Booking Information
Our Vacation Care programs is available from Week 7 of each term. Spots fill quickly and days are closed once maximum numbers are reached. All Vacation Care Holiday programs include dates when forms need to be submitted by.
Call 0401 121 318 and speak to our staff if you have any questions or need to check what is still available. You are also welcome to email on mawsonlakes.oshc@schools.sa.edu.au
Mawson Lakes Vacation Care service is located on Yates Street, Mawson Lakes (at the rear of the school West campus). We are open from 7AM – 6PM
Forms after this time incur a $25 late fee.
• You will be charged for all days booked and sick certificates will not be accepted. In the case of a medical emergency or family issue, please discuss with the Director and an alternate agreement may be discussed
• Please dress your child in appropriate clothing for play and sun care. No sleeveless tops/dresses or thongs which restrict running and climbing
• Please provide your child with recess, lunch, and a drink bottle. OSHC serves breakfast until 8am and a light snack at 3pm for afternoon tea.
Vacation Care – April program
Vacation Care – July programme
Vacation Care – October programme
Vacation Care – Dec/January programme
OSHC contact details
Yates Street, Mawson Lakes
Director - Lorin Gillings
Assistant Director
Assistant Director - Sue Sheridan
0401 121 318